Have the app built
Have an app built based on your wishes?

iOS in Android

Apps for both iOS and Android, native or hybrid.

Linked to dashboard

The app is easily maintained by an online dashboard

Register with the app stores

Web-Company ensures the registration with the various app stores

Have an app built

The construction of an app is completely customized.
This process looks like this:

Step 1

Make an inventory of wishes
We identify the wishes during the initial meeting.

Step 2

Functional design
Workflows and user stories are being developed

Step 3

The design for the app is being set up

Step 4

The development of the app begins

Step 5

Test phase
The app is thoroughly tested.

Step 6

App is being registered
The app is being registered with the various app stores

Step 8

App live!
The app is now live!
Have the app built

Every app is custom built.
A global overview of the minimum investment:


  • Custom made
  • A team of developers, project manager, QAer and UXer will work for you
  • bi-weekly sprints