Exact Mailchimp integration

Professional Exact Mailchimp integration. The integration is fully expandable.

Always up to date

Orders, customers, inventory and products are synchronized

Exact partner

Web-Company is registered Exact Partner for Exact integrations.

Access to API center

You have access to our API center to monitor the status of the integration

Exact Mailchimp integrations

Web-Company has developed two standard packages for the Exact Mailchimp integration. These packages can be expanded and adjusted as desired.


per month
  • € 495 one-off costs for design and advice
  • Customer information automatically sent to Mailchimp
  • Segmentation by mailchimp group
  • Supplementing, stopping and adding address lists


per month
  • € 995 one-off costs for design and advice
  • Customer information automatically sent to Mailchimp
  • Segmentation by mailchimp group
  • Supplementing, stopping and adding address lists
  • Feedback from Mailchimp in bounces and with an update of the e-mail address in Mailchimp, this will also be adjusted in Exact.
Exact Mailchimp integration functionalities

Products import

Products are automatically imported from Exact into Mailchimp. Standard Exact attributes including images.

Stock synchronization

The stock is synchronized from Exact to Mailchimp. With an order in Mailchimp, the stock in Exact is adjusted immediately.

Export orders

Orders from Mailchimp are created directly in Exact. Including the information to follow up the sales order in Exact.

Import customers

To prevent duplicate customers there is the option to import the debtors from Exact to Mailchimp. The e-mail address is leading.

Matching customers

For orders in Mailchimp, a debtor in Exact is automatically created for new customers with a check whether the debtor already exists.


The integration is supplied with a dashboard from Mailchimp 2. This contains log notifications of the integration. These can be followed in real time.
Installation and configuration

The installation of the integration is carried out by a specialized Web-Company project manager

Step 1

Online ordering integration
You will receive an e-mail with the information we need to set up the integration.

Step 2

Inventory of the supplied test environment

Step 3

Create connectors
The project manager sets the connectors in Exact

Step 4

Set up Mailchimp webAPI
The API integration with Mailchimp is established

Step 5

Test environment
The installation is performed on an Exact test environment

Step 6

Test ordered modules and deliver dashboard
The extra ordered modules are built in and access to the API center is provided

Step 7

Test phase
Various tests are performed for importing products and exporting orders

Step 8

integration goes live
The integration is converted to the Live environment

Step 9

SLA Support & updates
After the integration has gone live, we will perform the required updates when Exact or Mailchimp releases an update. An SLA can be concluded for support.
Extensions to the integration
The package can be expanded with customized extra modules. Some examples:

Customer-specific prices, discounts per debtor, discount rules for customer groups, scale discounts and price lists

Show invoices from Exact in the my account environment in Mailchimp

Multistore functionality

Orders as a financial transaction instead of a sales order

Mobile app

Support for multiple warehouses

Credit bookings from Exact to Mailchimp

Further expansion of the synchronization order process

Contact us for additional modules. Because the Exact configuration can differ per customer, we first consider the options for the above extensions together.

Web-Company also builds other Exact integrations

In addition to Exact web store integrations, Web-Company also builds integrations with market places such as Bol.com and Amazon. In addition, we integration  with e-learning systems such as Moodle.

Any system that works with API can integration Web-Company with Exact . For this, please  contact .

market places

Amazon and Bol.com

Products from Exact automatically on Amazon and Bol.com and orders from the marketplace to Exact.
web stores

Various web stores

Web-Company has developed standard integration for various web store systems.

Moodle integration

Integrate Exact with Moodle. Have students train and take exams in Moodle and integration the data with Exact.

Mailchimp integration

The Exact mailchimp link ensures that customers are automatically sent to Mailchimp when the checkmark is checked in Exact.

CRM integration

Connect CRM packages such as Teamleader, ZohoCRM and Vtiger with Exact.
service management

Top desk integration

The Topdesk integration with Exact ensures seamless integration of Topdesk and Exact.