Have a Exact Online customized connection built? Or make a choice from the standard Exact Online integrations? Web-Company is Exact Online integrations expert. An Exact Online integration can be built to measure. Does your system offer the possibility to communicate via web services? Then we can establish the integration with Exact Online.
The Exact Online integrations works with the Exact Online API. You can set the APi yourself, but you can also have this done by us so that we take care of the entire construction of the coupling.
For example, do you want to create debtors in an external system and have them shoot directly to Exact Online? Or do you have a web store and do you want to order orders from the web store directly in Exact Online? Then an Exact Online integrations is the solution. This also makes it possible to synchronize the articles in Exact Online with the web store so that duplicate input work is avoided.
Exact Online is often the leading system. This means that Exact Online is always seen as the central place for all information. In a functional design, the information flows are mapped and it is indicated at which time which information should be sent from or to Exact Online, or retrieved.
Every Exact Online integration can be set up by Web-Company, in every industry. Request a free quote!